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康养中心建设项目| 山西重点招商项目2019 现代服务业


核心提示:康养中心建设项目Project of RehabilitationHealth Care Center Construction一、项目名称:应县康养中心建设项目I. Project name: Project of Ying County RehabilitationHealth Care Center Construction二、项目单位:应县人民政府II. Project unit: Peoples Government of Ying County三、项目建设背景:应县境内拥有宁


Project of Rehabilitation Health Care Center Construction


I. Project name: Proj不但国内如此ect of Ying County Rehabilitation Health C128混凝土建筑接缝用密封胶are Center Construction


II. Project unit: People s Government of Ying County

三、项目建设背景:应县境内拥有宁应、朔蔚、大石三条省道,有荣乌、大运两条高速公路,北同蒲四线建成通车,新启动建设的太原客专也在应县站建站,交通较为便利,地理位置优越,自然风光旖旎,生态环境和谐,自然资源和人戟叶盾蕨文资源丰富,应县木塔是国家4A级旅游景区。龙首山位于应县城东8公里,与北岳恒山毗邻,最高海拔1400米。万亩松林郁郁葱葱,景色宜人。浑河流经山脚下形成人工湖,湖水面积 62万平方米,空气清新,环境优雅。通过多年来实施首都水资源可持续利用、风沙源治理和退耕还林三大国家投资项目,龙首山目前已形成了春有花、夏有荫、秋有果、冬有青的天然氧吧。

III. Project Background: Ying County possesses three provincial highways, Ning-Ying, Shuo-Wei and Da-Shi highway. There is Rong-Wu, Da-Yun Express. Beitongpu-Ying County, Beitongpu s four lines have been completed and open to traffic. The newly constructed Taiyuan Passenger Coach als刺毛头黍o sets up station in Ying County, with convenient transport, superior geographical location, wond粗脉耳蕨erful natural scenery, harmonious ecology and abundant natural and cultural resources. Muta, Ying County is a national 4A tourism scenic spot. Longshou Mountain, located in 8km to the east of Ying County, and adjacent to Beiyue Heng Mountain. The highest altitude is 1,400m. Ten Thousand mu forest is exuberant, with favorable scenery. Hun River flows by the mountain, and forms an artificial lake, covering 620,000m2, with fresh air and pleasing environment. During many years, three national investment projects are implemented, i.e., capital water resources sustainable utilization, wind sand source solution, cultivated land return and forestry recovery. At present, Longshou Mountain has become a natural oxygen bar, characterized by flowers in spring, shadow in summer, fruits in autumn, greenness in winter .

受晋北地区气候影响,风湿、类风湿、骨关节病、内分泌及呼吸道传染性疾病等慢性病发病率较高;恶化的环境、心理、饮食、快节骤的工作生活等因素造成 亚健康状态 人群逐年增多;老年人口占总人口比例逐年上升,老年慢性疾病也呈快速增长势头,成为威胁老年人健康的 第一杀手 。在龙首山建设一所集康复理疗、亚健康状态疗养、养老服务、运动健身、度假休闲等为一体的康复疗养中心,发展前景十分广阔。

Affected by climate in North Shanxi, rheumatoid, osteoarthropathy, endocrine and respiratory infectious diseases as well as other chronological diseases have higher prevalence. The deteriorated选择了低散发特性的材料只是保证车内空气质量的第1步 environment, psychology, eating and quick-rhythm work and life lead to more sub-health . The proportion of the elderly to the total population rises year by year. Chronological diseases among the elderly are also increasing, as the first killer that threatens the elderly s health. It is very promising to construct a rehabilitation and therapeutical care center that integrates recovery, therapeutical treatment, sub-health care, elderly nursing, sports fitness, resort and relaxation.


IV. Project profile


(I) Project scale: The project plans to cover 1,000mu. Total construction area is 10,000m2.


(II) Project investment Budget: 300 million Yuan.

(三)项目建设内容及配套情况:考虑到本项目是健康养生场所,需为疗养人提供一个集生活、保健、疗养、健身运动、度假休闲的活动场所,构筑 小桥流水、温暖家庭 的田园风格。拟建设康复理疗区1500平米,亚健康疗养区1000平米,居家养老区1500平米,运动健身区1000平米,度假休闲区5000平米。项目装修要突出区域文化,从道路交通、卫生、饮食、居住、绿化、景观、健身等多方面考虑,配套设施要突出既能养病又能治病、既能养生又能养老、既能保健又能休闲娱乐。

(III) Project content and Supporting terms: Considering that the project is a health care and nursing project, it will provide a place that integrates living, health care, therapeutical care, fitness sports, resort relaxation. Flowing water across the exquisite bridge, warm family-styled pastoral style is adopted. Rehabilitation and therapeutical care zone plans to cover 1,500m2. Sub-health therapeutical nursing zone plans to cover 1,000m2. Household elderly nursing zone plans to cover 1,500m2. Sports fitness zone plans to cover 1,000m2. Resort relaxation zone plans to cover 5,000m2. The project decoration highlights regional culture. From the perspective of road transport, sanitation, catering, residence, greening, scenery and fitness, matching facilities highlight the function of disease nursing and treatment, health care and elderly nursing, relaxation and entertainment.


(IV)Marketing forecast and efficiency analysis


After the completion of the project, it is estimated that 30,,000 clients in the province and surrounding areas, such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be attracted. Annual production value will reach 20 million Yuan. Annual profit will reach 5 million Yuan.


V. Scheduled means of investment introduction: joint venture, cooperative


VI. Contact means of the applicant:

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